Cancelling a Booking
If you need to refund payment, click here to learn about how to make a refund before cancelling the booking.
Click ‘Rooms’
Navigate to Main Menu > Spa > Rooms.
Select a Date
Select the date of the booking that you would like to cancel by using the pop-up calendar(red box).
Select a Booking
Click on a booking in the calendar, then click ‘View booking’.
Cancel the Booking
There are three options to cancel a booking (indicated by the red box in the image):
- Cancel Booking – Will cancel the booking and keep a record in the system.
- Delete Booking – Will cancel the booking but not keep a record in the system. This cannot be used after any payment has been made.
- Delete Line – Will delete the selected line (indicated by the yellow box in the image). The selected line appears orange.
Click ‘Rooms’
The booking has now been cancelled. This is reflected in the Spa Calendar.