Gift Voucher Discounts

Allows for creation of discounts that can be applied to specific vouchers (via services and packages) at checkout or via custom URL.

Go to System>Setup>Discount Setup

Click ‘New’ to create new discount.

Modify Options

Add name of discount (will show when applied at checkout), select ‘Voucher’ toggle switch, discount code and duration of promotion (if required).

Adjust how many vouchers at minimum are required for purchase before discount applies and maximum certificates can be purchased with discount. 

In this example minimum of 2 and maximum of 2 is applied. With a 50% discount offered it creates a “2 for 1” offer. You could make min 3 and maximum 3 with 33% discount to create a “3 for 2” offer for instance. Experiment to achieve different types of offers. 

Apply Discount to Vouchers

Go to System>Services>Services Setup and select Voucher from list. 

Select discount, recently created, from drop menu and save. 

Go to System>Packages>Packages Setup and select Package from list. 

Ensure package is used as a voucher. Select discount, recently created, from drop menu and save. 

Apply discount at checkout

Select vouchers that have discount applied as in above step.

At checkout enter discount code newdiscount and click apply.

Discount now applied to vouchers and amount owing changes. Note difference between ‘Value’ of vouchers (that can be redeemed at business) as opposed to the ‘Total Payment’ due from guest. 

Provide URL to website or email for Guests

You can have a URL to populate the cart at Voucher Sales and apply the discount as per below. For example, this URL can be provided to your website as a temporary link or inserting into a promotion email to offer discounted vouchers to guests.

For Service Based Vouchers
In the URL below ?addmultiple-11-28=2&discount=newdiscount is added. This tag is composed of:
?addmultiple-11 (11 is the Business ID of Spa Resort; use your own business ID here)
– Service ID -28 (of $100 voucher – found under ID of service list at ‘Apply Discount to Vouchers’ step)
– Quantity of vouchers needed for discount to apply = 2
&discount=newdiscount added to apply the discount code newdiscount (code we assigned at discount setup step above).
Complete example URL is
See example below.
NOTE: If a discount is applied the Cart shows ‘Total value’ instead of ‘Total’. The message: ‘Discount “Voucher Discount 2 for 1” applies’ indicating discount active for vouchers. 

Proceed to checkout and see the discount already applied and payment ready to be taken.

For Package Based Voucher
In the URL below ?addmultiple-11-1-3=2&discount=newdiscount is added. This tag is composed of:
?addmultiple-11 (11 is the Business ID of Spa Resort; use your own business ID here)
– Group -1 for package then added (Required by default for package vouchers so always add. Makes distinction between services and packages).
– Package ID -3 (ID of ‘Day Retreat for One’ found at package list of ‘Apply Discount to Vouchers’ step)
– Quantity of vouchers needed for discount to apply = 2
&discount=newdiscount added to apply the discount code newdiscount (code we assigned at discount setup step above).
Complete example URL is
See example below.
NOTE: If a discount is applied the Cart shows ‘Total value’ instead of ‘Total’. The message: ‘Discount “Voucher Discount 2 for 1” applies’ indicating discount active for vouchers. 

Proceed to checkout and see the discount already applied and payment ready to be taken.

Special Conditions

– Gift Voucher discounts online support different Vouchers in the cart.

– Gift Voucher discounts online support 100% discount, ie. no credit card needed.

Discount Setup

When applied at checkout