Staff Roster Import & Export

Within the Staff Roster menu, it is possible to import and export the roster using Microsoft Excel. Must provide appropriate fields to import to Netbookings (based on Humanforce export template). Export will use same standard Humanforce fields – see below.

Go To System>Staff and Agents>Staff Roster

Importing Roster

Click on ‘Import’ tab.

Notice the fields map for the import of Excel Spreadsheet.

Necessary fields : 

  • HR Code
  • Name
  • Date
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Break Duration
  • Break Time

These fields need to be added to spreadsheet to allow import.

Example Spreadsheet (exported from Humanforce or similar software).

When ready click ‘Browse’ (or drag and drop) to insert excel file (xls or xlsx).

Validate file to see if any errors emerge. Will match up the field under File Column with Netbookings Fields – see if they are correct as below. 

Once validated. Click Import to insert to calendar.

Now calendar has been populated with data from spreadsheet. 

Exporting Roster

Click Export tab.

Select date range of roster to export. Note the download in top right of browser.

Example Export. TIP: Export spreadsheet can be used as template for import roster.