
Businesses can create discounts that can be applied by guests during the online booking process by entering a promotional code.

Discounts can also be applied by staff in the booking screen or in the POS system.

Click ‘Discounts Setup’

Navigate to System > Setup > Discounts Setup

Click ‘New’

Enter Discount Details

Enter a name for the discount (Do not to include discount in name as it is automatically applied at checkout – see bottom of page).

It will be displayed in the cart when a guest applies it online and in the back-end for staff to see. To obtain the discount, the guest is required to enter the ‘Online Code’. In this case ‘Staff10’.

Promotion urgency option: If you require guests to use the code in a specific period, set the ‘Valid from’ and ‘Valid to’ dates and optionally, hours. Eg: To obtain this discount guests must apply this code at the checkout before 10pm tomorrow night. In the example above, the Discount will be available for 1 month, in which it can be redeemed by staff.

Booking date restriction option: Check in and check out must be between the dates specified. Select the pricing(s) (pricing group(s)) that you would like this discount to be available in from the menu in the red box. Note: The word ‘discount’ will automatically be appended to the discount name when it appears in the cart.

If you select a pricing from the ‘Available In’ menu, you may need to enter further details about your discount. For example, if ‘Bathing’ were selected, the pricing labels that this discount could apply for must be selected. The minimum and maximum entities fields allow you to restrict how many entities must be booked for the discount to be available.

For example, if you wanted a discount to only be available for two adult for an early bird booking, both fields would be set to 2 and the ‘Adult’ box in ‘Tour’ would be selected. On the right hand side you can select which ‘Applicable Packages’ and ‘Tariffs’ you wish the discount code to be applied to.

Click ‘Save’

Click ‘Save’ and you will see new ‘Discount Name’ in the list.



Your discount can be applied during the ‘Payment’ section of the online booking. The code for the discount must be applied in the ‘Promotional Code’ section as shown below.

This is an example of a discount called ‘Winter’ with an online code of ‘WinD’.

Using example earlier, the staff discount of 10% has been applied to this booking. Note: Do not use word discount in ‘Discount Name’ during setup, as it will appear twice when User applies the code during checkout.

0% Discount

This feature allows for codes to be entered at checkout for 0% discount – but allowing business to record code usage for a promotion. i.e. Use our ‘Promo’ code before end of month to receive 1 x free pass on next visit. 

On front end the code being entered, will state code name and 0% as with other codes. 

To find out which guests have used code – go to Reports>Finance>Discount Usage.

Select Discount from list and select item depth to report on guest name and booking details for follow up.